Afterpay ‘Shop’ is an opportunity for your store to be featured on our app, allowing customers to discover your store & products and place orders directly from our app.
Existing Afterpay Merchant - Onboard to Shop through the Hub
Sign in:
Update your Store & Assets - The Hub
What do we need? Click here!
- US/CA:
- ANZ:
- UK:
Having trouble accessing the Hub? Please reach out through the Shop Directory form.
Submit Offers, Promos & Deals
- US: Merchant Weekly Offers/Promos
- CA: Merchant Weekly Offers/Promos
- ANZ: Merchants Weekly Offers/Promos
- UK: Merchants Weekly Offers/Promos
Add/Update a Location
We need to know your geo-location if and when you are offering in-store/in-person purchases so that we can direct foot traffic to your business. This is your business address location.
- US/CA/UK/ANZ: Location Form
Please use the 'Upload Locations Template' attachment found below if your request includes in-store location updates. Upload a file via the Shop Directory form with Store Name, Store Numbers, and Addresses of all the physical stores where you will offer Afterpay.
Where can I find my Merchant ID?
Global Merchant Onboarding Portal (MOP) you can find your Merchant ID at the bottom of your orders page on Business Hub, or directly on the Hub, next to your store’s name.
Update an Offer or Update a Live Location
To make a change to a current offer or an already live location, please email us through this form: Shop Directory form
Have more questions? Email us!