Below lists the two ways you can add Afterpay Messaging to your website and will determine which steps to take to get Afterpay Messaging properly rendering on your product pages:
- Afterpay On-site Messaging App
- Manually Add Afterpay Site Messaging to Theme
Afterpay Messaging via On-site Messaging App
Please follow the below steps:
- Please ensure the Afterpay Messaging block has been added to all of your store’s Product Page templates by following the steps here.
- Please keep in mind that Afterpay Messaging works on the Product Page template level. If you have several different Product Page templates, then you'll need to add messaging to each one separately.
Manually Add Afterpay Site Messaging to Theme
Please follow the below steps:
- When utilizing the Afterpay Messaging code snippet, slight modifications to the code may be required for the messaging to display correctly.
- Once added, you will need to ensure the 'afterpay_product_selector' within the code snippet is targeting the product price block.
- For example, please find the below line of code in your snippet responsible for positioning Afterpay messaging near to the product price:
// var afterpay_product_integration_enabled = true;
// var afterpay_product_selector = '#product-price-selector';
- The recommendation is to “uncomment” (remove the “//”) these lines and update the value for var afterpay_product_selector. Some experimentation or testing may be required to ensure the correct selector is specified for the Product Pages in question.
- If the above steps are unfamiliar to you, it is best to involve a developer resource to help identify and test the correct value for var afterpay_product_selector.
Important Notes:
If utilizing the Afterpay Messaging code snippet, it is recommended to involve a developer or technical resource to help configure the code snippet values correctly.