Q: Why am I being asked to reverify my tax information?
A: Afterpay needs to verify your business information in order to facilitate accurate tax reporting to you for calendar year 2024.
Q: What is a TIN?
A: Your TIN is a U.S. Tax Identification Number and should have 9-digits. This is the Employer Identification Number (EIN) associated with your business, or your Social Security number (SSN) if you do not have an EIN.
Q: What if I don’t have an EIN?
A: Please provide your Social Security number instead.
Q: What is my Merchant ID?
A: Your Merchant ID is unique to your Afterpay account and is provided in the email you received.
If you do not have your Merchant ID available, please log into your Merchant Business Hub and visit the “Account Settings” tab to find this information.
Q: What will happen if I don’t complete the form or verify my business information?
A: You must confirm your TIN and the associated mailing address by the due date that was listed on the email sent to you. Failure to do so will result in the suspension of daily settlements to your Afterpay account. If your settlements are suspended due to this reason, your customers will still be able to use Afterpay as a payment option.
Q: I received this email twice (or maybe more) because I have more than one business account using Afterpay. Do I need to complete the form for all businesses?
A: Yes, please complete the form for each business account, even if the information (such as name, TIN and/or mailing address) may be the same.
Q: My business operates under a trade name (or a DBA) that is not the registered company name, which name should I provide?
A: Please provide the legal name for your business that appears in your contract with Afterpay.
Q: I have received this error message when trying to upload my information. What does this mean?
A: You may receive this error message for a few different reasons.
- You may have an error in your EIN/SSN. Double check that your EIN/SSN is correct and reattempt to verify your information.
- A network error may be occurring. Please check your internet connection and reattempt to verify your information.
- (Non US Businesses only) You have uploaded a non supported file. We can only accept PDFs. Please reattempt to upload your form as a PDF.
- None of the above? You may have attempted to verify your information too many times. Please allow some time and try again later.
Q: My settlements have been suspended because I didn’t verify my tax information in time, what do I do?
A: Please visit the “Settings” tab in your Merchant Business Hub. Under the “Tax Forms” tab, you will be able to verify your information. After you have verified your tax information, your settlements will be reinstated within 1-3 business days.
Q: How do I add a user to my merchant account?
A: Good news, you can do this in your Business Hub! To add a user, check out this article and follow the steps provided.
Q: I do not have access to the Business Hub. What should I do?
A: So that we can help you, please reach out to our team by using the contact information below. Make sure to provide the following information so that our team can assist you:
- Your full name
- Merchant ID number
- Business/Trading name
- Email address
Need more support?
If you need support, you can contact our Merchant Admin team. We are here to help!
Email: na-afterpay-merchant-admin@squareup.com
Ph: +1 (484) 772-2736 | We are available Monday-Friday, 7:00am- 4:00pm (PST).